Looking for ways to save on your expenses? College textbook rental is undoubtedly a fantastic idea! Cheap college books are difficult to find since the prices are sky-rocketting, adding to the financial burden of students. BookScouter offers you a no-hustle way to save some money and solve the pain of hunting for cheap textbooks — try out college textbook rental.
The allure of mystery novels is something that brings these books at the top of the popular reading lists. Bookstore shelves prominently feature new titles and continuing series. But how did they get their start? What are the most popular mystery novels nowadays? Here are all the mysteries unveiled…
It’s a wrap time of the year! Giving an attractively wrapped book this holiday season doesn’t have to be costly. With a little extra ingenuity and a few items you might have around the house you can put a personal touch on a gift to make it more meaningful. And luckily, books are one of the easier items to gift wrap! Here are our five tips on how to wrap a book, save money, and make an impression!
It’s that time of year when your thoughts turn to finding special holiday gifts for book lovers among your family and friends. But what should be a fun, festive task can quickly become overwhelming. We’ve done some of the leg work for you compiling a collection of 15 unique, niche book selections and other gifts reading fans will appreciate.
It’s the time of year for a lot of holiday cooking and baking. As you dust off an old cookbook and consider letting it go to make extra space, you might want to first check BookScouter.com to see the current value. If it’s really old, you may want to have it appraised by an antique book dealer.
You might decide to hold on to your vintage cookbooks and then pass them down to a family member. Perhaps you come across a rare find — a really expensive cookbook — and decide to sell it. Or you might decide that a vintage cookbook would make a thoughtful gift for a cook or collector you know.
Part of the learning experience of being a college student is managing your own finances for the first time. That independence can also introduce a wealth of pitfalls! Here are some common money mistakes college students make. Learn from our mistakes so that you can avoid them.
Sometimes the difference between success and failure is having the right tools. Luckily, today there are a ton of great apps every college student needs to get through a busy semester.
Work smarter in college (no way!) with these awesome apps that we picked to assist with everything from notetaking and time-management, to sleep and healthy eating. You should totally check these out.
Are eTextbooks — or Digital Textbooks — suitable for college? Are they convenient and sustainable? Are there any eTextbooks for rent or should you always purchase them? Since this speedy digitalization of our learning environment is a recent events, it might not be easy to find an answer to any of these and other questions related to eTextbooks. Let’s clarify the situation together!