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Used Books are Good for the Planet

Green tips By February 15, 2023 Last Updated on April 17, 2023 by Abigail White Tags: , 1 Comment

Used Books are Good for the Planet

Used text books are good for the planet, right? Well that statement seems fairly easy to defend, but when you get down to the hard facts, it really becomes an interesting topic. When proving this hypothesis, the first question I wanted to answer was, “How many books come from one tree?” I soon realized this was not an easy question to answer because books and trees come in all different shapes and sizes. Determined not to give up on my quest for the tree book ratio, I dug deeper for some type of quantitative data to calculate how many average-sized books come from the average-sized tree. Eventually I stumbled across some interesting information. It turns out that most trees are not used for paper. In fact, only the unwanted parts are sent to make paper. The majority of paper is made from recycled materials.

Declutter and Organize in 5 Steps: Give Away and Sell Your Books, Clothing, and Unwanted Items

Green tips By January 20, 2023 Last Updated on February 14, 2024 by Abigail White Tags: No Comments

Declutter and Organize

January, after the holidays and at the start of a new year, is a natural time to begin to clean, declutter, and organize your space. But you can really start any time of year (Spring Cleaning!). Often the hardest part is merely deciding to begin and commit to seeing the process through. We will help you by giving you a plan, some expert tips, and dangling a reward at the end to motivate you. We’ll also discuss how you can give away unwanted clothing and sell your books for money! Let’s get started!


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