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Browsing Articles Written by

Natalie Meyers

Natalie Meyers is a freelance writer and editor with more than 15 years of experience. As an English major and a psychology graduate, she worked as a teacher and a counselor. As a writer, she's covered a diverse range of topics from technology to publishing. She is an avid reader who believes that books help us become more authentic versions of ourselves. At BookScouter, she's a smart writer and an expert in all things books.

How to Create a Minimalist Library

All about books, Green tips By June 13, 2024 Last Updated on June 19, 2024 by Abigail White Tags: , , , No Comments

minimalist library

If the “less is more” principle has started to look more and more appealing to you recently and you find yourself reading all about minimalism and simple living, we’ve prepared another good read for you.

If you’ve already “kondoed” all your drawers under the guidance of Marie Kondo and her The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, voluntarily got rid of a few bags with clothes, and probably pained the walls in your room white, we have another suggestion. How about creating a minimalist library?

How to Build a Classroom Library with a Small Budget

All about books By May 27, 2024 Last Updated on May 27, 2024 by Olivia Smith Tags: , No Comments

Classroom Library

A classroom library is one of the surest ways to encourage students to read more. So, if you’re a teacher who wants to set up a library and make it easy to use and inviting, we have a few tips to share.

Building and growing your classroom library isn’t easy. If you only have your own funds and no financial support, you have to be inventive. Besides, choosing, buying, labeling, categorizing, and organizing books takes time and effort. The good news is it’s doable!

Discover Books Closed for Good. Where to Buy Cheap Books?

Book arbitrage By May 3, 2024 Last Updated on May 3, 2024 by Abigail White Tags: , No Comments

Discover Books Closed for Good

About a month ago, one of the oldest used bookselling companies in the US abruptly shut down. Today, we’ll discuss why it happened and also explore other ways of finding affordable books now.

Having been on the bookselling market for two decades, DiscoverBooks went out of business somewhere around March 22, 2024. There has been no official notice or press release so far; the employees were notified on the spot, and many orders were left unfulfilled.

How to Annotate a Book?

All about books, All about textbooks By April 19, 2024 Last Updated on April 19, 2024 by Olivia Smith Tags: , No Comments

How to Annotate a Book

This is an interesting question that can be answered in two ways. If you want to annotate a book to better understand what you read, it’s one thing. If you want to annotate resources for an academic paper, then you need to create an annotated bibliography.

In this article, we will discuss both book annotation cases and provide examples for them.

How to Get Used Books for Free (2024)

Book arbitrage By April 10, 2024 Last Updated on April 11, 2024 by Abigail White Tags: , , , No Comments

How to Get Used Books for Free

We’ve already written about how to scout books and book arbitrage in general, as well as about some ways to get books for free in your location if you’re reselling. Yet, we’ve decided to dedicate the entire post to free books. So, regardless of your goal—you’re looking for new reads, textbooks for your studies, or you’re a book scout and reseller—we’ve collected the information for you and compiled it into a neat article.

Where to Donate Textbooks in 2024?

All about textbooks By March 27, 2024 Last Updated on March 27, 2024 by Olivia Smith Tags: , , No Comments

where to donate textbooks

If you’re a student who needs extra money, you have an option to sell your textbooks for cash. But what if you do not want to waste time selling your old textbooks or they are so outdated that doesn’t have any buyback value? It can be easier to give them away instead. Although we’ve talked about what to do with old textbooks before, we’ve never focused solely on the topic of donating them. It’s time we give this subject the attention it deserves.

We’ve already told you where to donate used books. But what about textbooks? There’s a difference. While a 1970 edition of Pride and Prejudice or a 1977 edition of Children Of Dune will always be welcome at any donation center, a heavily used copy of a college textbook like Airport Engineering (1984) might not be suitable for some organizations due to its outdated content.


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