The semester is wrapping up and you are preparing for final exams. Yes, that keeps you very busy, but don’t let the semester end just yet. You need to sell college textbooks! Why? You have gotten the most out of your textbooks the semester. Now it’s time to let them go, and earn some money along the way.
The BookScouter team is thrilled to announce the launch of our podcast: The Studentpreneur Show!
The Studentpreneur Show podcast is for studentpreneurs, entrepreneurs, companies and leaders looking to help small businesses be more successful and, of course, anyone considering starting their own business.
Over the years we have worked with many college students. From the students we learned that an impressive amount have an entrepreneurial spirit.
We decided to make a podcast for you, the people who inspire us most. The scrappy, passionate people working to make their mark in the world, you rock!
Here at BookScouter, we pride ourselveson being the best resource for you to buy and sell your textbooks at the best price. That’s why we created the Ultimate Guide to Buying and Selling Textbooks.
PDF Version Guide to Saving Money on Textbooks for College Students
Buying textbooks can be a sneaky expense in college, particularly for our friends in the natural and applied sciences. Sheesh! Some people pay over $1,000 a semester for their books!
Don’t let this be you!
Focusing on the goal of graduating can leave little time to make extra cash while in college. Since you need to squeeze in time to work and every day looks different, here are four ways to make extra cash in college that work with your full schedule!
You passed your classes with the help of your tried and true college textbooks this semester, and now you’re not sure if you should hang on to these beloved books or sell them.
I mean, you made so many good memories together. All the late nights studying and coffee dates. They were always there to help you think through new and exciting ideas. It’s like your old friends. You don’t want to let them go now, do you?
So you’ve been wondering, “Do I need textbooks for college?”
Here Are 3 Reasons not to Sell Your College Textbooks
You can do more than sell back your book with this month’s vendor highlight! They’ve recycled millions of books and can help you make money.
It’s not crazy to want some money for your textbooks. TextbookManiac is here to put cash in your pockets, and their four and a half star rating helps.
We’d like you to meet the new BookScouter. This is the soft-launch of our improved site, and we’re excited about the site’s redesign. Take a look!
Meet Buyback101, one of a few vendors to focus on K-12 textbooks. Look out for their Special Demand Prices so you can get the highest price for your books!