If you are an avid reader, buying books can cost you a fortune. Luckily, you don’t have to buy all books brand-new (unless you do so on principle). Nowadays, there are plenty of ways to buy books on a budget. One of them is buying used books from various online sellers. In this article, we’ve prepared a list of the best online resources where you can buy books cheaply in 2025.
Summertime and the livin’ is easy… At last, summer is here! Each person experiences this incredible season in different ways. And there is always something special about summer! Delicious ice cream, blinding sunshine, endless BBQs and picnics, swimming in the sea, and so much more.
The U.S. ISBN Agency has been assigning the 978 prefix to 13-digit ISBNs since 2007. In the previous articles, we’ve discovered what an ISBN is and explained the difference between 10- and 13-digit ISBNs and how both systems could be contained with the help of the 978 prefix. However, blocks of ISBN-13s built on existing ISBN-10s are exhausted. Therefore, the U.S. ISBN Agency has begun assigning ISBNs starting with the prefix element 979.
Should you own physical books or at least some hard copies of your favorite novels? Or is it more sensible to sell used books and switch to ebooks? There is no right or wrong here, and this guide will help you review available options. You will learn about possible “use case” scenarios for various types of physical books — from coffee table volumes to expensive college textbooks. It is up to you to decide which option makes the most sense for you!
BookScouter is a book price comparison platform that helps you find where to sell, buy, and rent used books at the best prices and makes this process easy by quickly searching all the vendor websites for you. That’s why it is the easiest and most convenient place to sell books.
In this guide, we’ll closely look at how you use BookScouter when you want to sell your books and need to find the vendor with the most beneficial offer.
Whether you’re a bookworm or not, you are undoubtedly familiar with the smell of old books. If nothing comes to your mind, just imagine entering a library or a store selling used books, and you will immediately remember this sweet scent of vanilla with the barely discernible bitterness of freshly grounded coffee. Unlike new book smell that is universally considered attractive, some people might find this smell nauseating, but even a more significant number of readers are literally addicted to it. Ever wondered why old books smell? Here is a scientific answer to this mystery of “smelling books” addiction!
Whether you are new to BookScouter or are a seasoned user, you always have new opportunities to get the most out of BookScouter.
Our team has strategically designed different features and expanded the platform’s functionality to make your experience seamless and your sales profitable.
Moving into a new place is always a challenge; however, if you are a book-lover, things get more complicated. A true bookworm can have hundreds of books to pack, so it is essential to know how to handle the task properly from the beginning.
Summer is officially here and though it might look different, that only emphasizes why you deserve an escape into a great book. Are you ready to dive into an engaging read, but need some direction? Look no further! We have compiled six ideas to help you find what to read next this summer!