The graduate school application process can be complicated. From deciding whether to go to grad school, to figuring out where to apply and how to prepare a competitive application—it’s a lot to sort out. This handy guide will help you figure it out. From the beginning stages all the way to getting accepted, follow these steps to getting a master’s degree.
What is the entrepreneurship accelerator program?
This is a project-based learning program where we bring in people to pitch and ultimately implement their growth ideas specific for BookScouter.
That simple!
Finals loom as the one ultimate obstacle to hurdle before a relaxing holiday break. You might already feel that you’ve been preparing for finals the whole semester or alternatively, maybe you feel that you haven’t prepared enough. But no matter how ready you feel, there are several tips on how to stay focused during finals season while remaining collected and enjoying the other fun parts of the holidays. Sound too good to be true? Well, keep reading and see if any of our hacks could transform your hectic finals routine.
High school senior Riya Shah developed the concept for her business, MyFetalLife, when she was just a freshman, at age 15. Taegan interviewed Riya on The Studentpreneur Show about her amazing story of building a business while still roaming high school halls.
On this episode of The Studentpreneur Show, we hear from Rachel Benyola, creator of KOVA. KOVA is a foldable helmet meant for biking, riding scooters, rollerblading, and more. Not only is it stylish, but it also does a great job of protecting your head. Rachel and Taegan talk about changing majors in college, going a different route than expected, and being what Rachel called “a proud doctorate school dropout.”
We know, we’re jumping out of order with our episode highlights. We had so much fun with this interview, that we couldn’t wait to share it with all of you!
Dropping out is a huge decision with far-reaching consequences. Before answering in the affirmative to “Should I drop out of college?” you should consider the ramifications carefully before moving forward. Here are some questions to ask yourself before you decide if now is the time to drop out of college.