Engineering is one of the oldest professions in the world. Through the marriage of theoretical mathematics and physics and, the application of structural and materials science, engineering and engineers are the minds behind architectural marvels like the Pyramids, the Notre Dame, and countless other historical buildings. Today, engineering has grown to include programming and computer sciences as well.
Not so long ago, we had a website redesign, and we are happy to share another piece of great news with you! We are excited to announce an update to BookScouter Affiliate Program: we’ve launched a web page with the program details for potential members and implemented a few additional promotional options for affiliates.
In this article, we’re covering all Q&As regarding our affiliate program and what’s new.
The U.S. ISBN Agency has been assigning the 978 prefix to 13-digit ISBNs since 2007. In the previous articles, we’ve discovered what an ISBN is and explained the difference between 10- and 13-digit ISBNs and how both systems could be contained with the help of the 978 prefix. However, blocks of ISBN-13s built on existing ISBN-10s are exhausted. Therefore, the U.S. ISBN Agency has begun assigning ISBNs starting with the prefix element 979.
If you’ve ever taken a law course or even tried to read over the terms and conditions of a website or app, you must know that reading legal text can be challenging. Legal terminology alone and difficult interpretations of the law, though important, can make law textbooks long, dry, and unexciting.
Should you own physical books or at least some hard copies of your favorite novels? Or is it more sensible to sell used books and switch to ebooks? There is no right or wrong here, and this guide will help you review available options. You will learn about possible “use case” scenarios for various types of physical books — from coffee table volumes to expensive college textbooks. It is up to you to decide which option makes the most sense for you!
Educational publishing is a huge marketplace. Learn more about the publishers that dominate digital and print educational materials today.
If you are an art major student, you can choose from a plethora of internship opportunities. Various cultural organizations take in undergraduate and graduate students to participate in their summer internship programs, and there is a lot to choose from.
Different hospitals and health care facilities have different internship programs that allow nursing students to gain experience while they are still in college. Most internships are offered during summertime; however, they may differ depending on the length and intensity of the program.
BookScouter is happy to announce a partnership with Kabibo Internships. Generally, on BookScouter, we don’t like to promote high priced services or programs, given that BookScouter is a free service based around making extra money rather than spending it, but we have worked with Kabibo Internships to create a really exciting opportunity that we feel is a good fit for you.