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Parker Stubhar

Parker Strubhar is a recent graduate of the University of Oklahoma and currently resides and works in Washington D.C. He is also a freelance writer.

Audio Books for College Students

Campus Life By February 17, 2023 Last Updated on December 4, 2024 by Abigail White Tags: No Comments

best audio books for college students

Tired of your college audiobooks? We have something you’d like: the best audiobooks, from psychological thrillers to memoirs, some of which are read by celebrities. They’ve also been rated as the best audiobooks for fun road trips for college students. You can access all these through various audiobook subscription services or read-aloud apps for a seamless listening experience.

How to Express Gratitude to Friends, Professors, and Family on a Budget: A Guide for College Students

Study tips By November 25, 2022 Last Updated on October 18, 2024 by Abigail White Tags: , No Comments

how to express gratitude

But how exactly can one understand how to express gratitude to friends or professors at college when there isn’t much stuffing in the bank account? College students have many people to show gratitude toward friends, family, professors, advisors, mentors, bosses, etc. And when short on both time and cash, finding meaningful ways to express appreciation can be tricky.

However, when thinking about how much to spend on the endeavor, sometimes a mere thank you is the best option when money is tight. While simply verbalizing your gratitude can be nice, there are many more tangible ways of showing gratitude to friends and other people without breaking the bank. With ingenuity, intentionality, and personalization, the inexpensive ideas below will be a way to express your gratitude for half of the price.

7 Helpful Midterm Study Tips on How to Outwit the Mid-Semester Slump

Study tips By October 27, 2022 Last Updated on December 4, 2024 by Abigail White Tags: , , , , No Comments

7 Helpful Midterm Study Tips on How to Outwit the Mid-Semester Slump

Although falling leaves often define this time of year, it can be easy also to let your midterm motivation fall. This mid-semester slump can cause significant problems for college students who become burnt out from the continuous cycle of studying. The study slump can result in slipping grades and reduced effort overall.

So, the question is how to get out of a study slump.

To outwit the mid-semester slump, here are seven midterm study tips for maintaining your internal drive and making it to finals on a high note.

How to Write a College Essay: 10 Useful Tips

Study tips By October 14, 2022 Last Updated on May 26, 2023 by Abigail White Tags: , , , No Comments

How to Write a College Essay

Nothing is quite as daunting as a college essay. While exams bring their own set of stresses, the sheer amount of time required when researching and writing an essay is incredibly overwhelming.

Since elementary school, we’ve all heard the same few essay tips for writing: make a good outline after brainstorming! Write a strong thesis statement and repeat it in your conclusion! However, those words of wisdom are about as tired as your eyes after staring at your laptop screen for three hours, desperate for the words to start flowing. Providing fresh tips on how to write a college essay is challenging, as everyone has different styles and processes for writing an essay best.

Podcasts to Listen to While Driving Back to School

Campus Life By August 26, 2022 Last Updated on December 4, 2024 by Abigail White Tags: , No Comments
audio books for college students

The end of summer can bring mixed emotions. From the excitement of starting a new semester and reuniting with friends to bittersweet feelings about the conclusion of a carefree summer, it’s that time of year where students finalize their back-to-school lists to ensure they have everything they need as they pack up their possessions in the trunk of a car (don’t forget your shower shoes!) and set off for another year of college.

To avoid the monotony of a long drive (and to prevent your parents from going over your dorm packing list yet again), here are the top podcasts to listen to while driving back to college!

8 Tips on How to Stay Focused During Finals

Study tips By December 5, 2019 Last Updated on October 3, 2023 by Olivia Smith Tags: , No Comments

Finals loom as the one ultimate obstacle to hurdle before a relaxing holiday break. You might already feel that you’ve been preparing for finals the whole semester or alternatively, maybe you feel that you haven’t prepared enough. But no matter how ready you feel, there are several tips on how to stay focused during finals season while remaining collected and enjoying the other fun parts of the holidays. Sound too good to be true? Well, keep reading and see if any of our hacks could transform your hectic finals routine.


The Ultimate Guide to CLEP Tests: How Can a CLEP Exam Save Students Time and Money

Study tips By November 17, 2019 Last Updated on November 8, 2023 by Abigail White Tags: , No Comments
CLEP tests are an underrated tool to bypass some of the basic courses needed for many college degrees, saving students money and time. Figuring out the CLEP process and debating whether or not it’s the right time to take one can be confusing, especially when starting college as there are a million other things on your mind. To prevent this headache, we’ve created a comprehensive guide to taking CLEP tests with super useful tips and tricks on everything like when to take the tests or how can a CLEP exam save students time and money.

5 Best Personality Tests for Career

Career planning By September 23, 2019 Last Updated on February 20, 2023 by Olivia Smith Tags: , No Comments

5 Best Personality Tests for Career

Personality tests for college students are ubiquitous. Most incoming students are bombarded with a deluge of tests among the welcome week activities, leadership retreats, and club meetings during the first few months of the academic year. While fun to take, is there the best personality test for career useful for college students? Are any of these tests offer something more than just a novel way to classify and describe yourself? Here are five best personality tests that you can actually rely on when trying to identify your interests and career choices.


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