Whether you are new to BookScouter or are a seasoned user, you always have new opportunities to get the most out of BookScouter. 

Our team has strategically designed different features and expanded the platform’s functionality to make your experience seamless and your sales profitable.

Basic Features

ISBN Lookup

Check every book’s ISBN on BookScouter before you buy, rent, or sell. The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a numeric way to identify books. Each number is unique and contains either 10 or 13 characters. You can often find the ISBN in several places in the book. First, you can see it on the copyright page near the front of the book. Most likely, you’ll also find it near the barcode. To gain further knowledge about ISBN, we recommend reading our previous article.

BookScouter Mobile Apps

While you may be used to our BookScouter web version, we strongly encourage you to employ our free book pricing apps for iOS and Android. You can look up ISBNs using the app as a scanner when you don’t have access to your PC. It’s equally easy, and you’ll get the same results, as the apps synchronize with the web version.

Real Reviews about Vendors

We only work with trusted vendors. On our Vendors page, you can read real user reviews about any vendor you are interested in. We strive to provide impeccable service; therefore, we always provide real information you can check and understand how vendors operate. You can compare other users’ experiences, and you are also welcome to leave your feedback. In case of any issues, you can also reach us at support@bookscouter.com.

Website Redesign

We’ve recently updated our website to improve user experience and make BookScouter faster and more efficient.

BookScouter Blog

We collect all sorts of book-related information for you. In our blog, you can find years of tips, tricks, and updates. Whatever is happening in the bookselling world, we cover it for you. We also have tons of useful information for students.

$500 Quarterly Book Scholarship from BookScouter

One more thing we are proud of is our BookScouter textbook scholarships! We’ve been granting scholarships annually every three months since 2017. So check our scholarship page for the next announcement!

BookScouter Affiliate Program and Search Widget

We’ve recently updated our BookScouter Affiliate Program. If you’re not yet our affiliate, you can join us now. If you are already a member, you can benefit from the updates we’ve made: a web page with the program details and additional promotional options for affiliates. We also introduced a BookScouter Search Widget that can be added to your blog or website and help your users search for book prices faster.

Advanced Features

Personalized Vendor Selection

Depending on your needs and goals, you can select and filter BookScouter vendors on the Vendor page in your account.

Buyback Price History

All logged-in users can access book price history up to 3 months back. Users with a Pro subscription can access more months of price data. 

buyback price history

Price Alerts

To achieve even more efficiency, we also added price alerts for sell and buy features. With these alerts, you can get email notifications when the price goes above the desired threshold for any of the 200,000+ books listed on BookScouter. You can set up alerts on up to 20 books in your Sell Watchlist and up to 20 books in your Buy Watchlist.

BookScouter price alerts

Multiple ISBN Lookup

You can use the multi-lookup feature if you need to find many books and don’t want to enter each ISBN manually. Multi Lookup is excessively effective and saves time. You can find it both on the homepage and on the Sell page. 

multi ISBN lookup

Sales Rank and Sellers Quantity

If you’re a professional book reseller and are flipping books for profit, you can benefit from the following features. To get information about Sales Rank, see the lowest price on Amazon and current sellers quantity, you need to log in to your account. If this is the first time you have used BookScouter, feel free to register to access the data.

flipping books for profit

Pro Features

Pro is right for you if you use BookScouter often (aka more than just once or twice a semester).

BookScouter Pro comes with these amazing tools:

Hot Flip Deals

The best book flipping deals for you with BookScouter Pro Tools. We collect, analyze, and immediately deliver the most relevant and up-to-date information to you. We help you sell profitably.

Bulk Liquidation Tool

Look up buyback prices for hundreds or thousands of books and remove your excess book inventory easily. You can review up to 10,000 ISBNs in 24 hours in real time! With Bulk Liquidation Tool, you get accurate information about many ISBNs in bulk.

High Resale Value Books

Check out the currently popular ISBN list with high resale value. You can view BookScouter users’ searches for books from the past 14 days. You can also analyze book prices and pick the most profitable categories and titles for sale (based on BookScouter users’ search history).

Buyback Price History

Review the buyback price history for a given ISBN. Identify season pricing and trends so you can strategically sell your books for the most profit.

Pro is currently available for a monthly fee of $29.99. You can read more about our Pro features on the  BookScouter Pro Tools page before becoming a Pro member.

Above all, we hope you make and save lots of money with BookScouter. We also encourage you to read BookScouter reviews and see how our website has helped countless other users earn money selling textbooks.