Hey BookScouters!
Need a few helpful tips to help you while you’re scouting? We’ve got you covered!
BookScouter.com is a book price comparison web app. We help you BUY, SELL, or RENT books 📚 at the best price with a single search! 📙🔎🛒
Hey BookScouters!
Need a few helpful tips to help you while you’re scouting? We’ve got you covered!
Does buying textbooks for each semester make you want to pull your hair out? How can a textbook cost so much money? We’ve done a lot of research, and to simplify it all, textbook costs are rising. See how much textbook costs have changed and why the costs grow every year.
You finished your last exam. Close your books, and look forward to a well-earned semester break from college. Before you think you’ve got nothing to do but binge-watch all the shows you missed, you might want to consider these six activities for your “summester break” to make your next term go smoothly!
Finding an internship doesn’t have to be daunting. With a clear goal, proper resources, and a well-written college student resume, you’re on your way to a great internship!
Below is a list of the top five internship platforms (with two bonus platforms your college must partner with for you to access).
All are beneficial and worth using to find your internship.
There is a great channel to sell your book inventory with profit and diversify your reselling efforts you probably didn’t know about. No, it’s not Amazon. It’s BookScouter Bulk Liquidation Tool.
Some of our Pro users might have known its earlier version—Bulk Lookup, but now, it definitely deserves a separate review.
You are thinking ahead and asking yourself how to get an internship to gain the work experience that will complement your education and get you a dream job right out of college. That’s great!
Getting a great internship is a challenging task. It takes a bit of hard work, but it is possible. Follow this guide, and you’ll find yourself closer to landing and thriving in that great internship.
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