Would you like to gain access to BookScouter’s daily pricing data? BookScouter now has historic data available for purchase. A daily data file contains every price that is shown on the BookScouter.com website.
Contact us about pricing and a sample to try it out!
BookScouter was featured in the article, “6 Ways to Earn Money Without Leaving the House” found on ShowbizCheatSheet.com.
We’re happy to announce the third new site that we’ve added this month. BooksCashed.com is the latest addition. This company is based in Atlanta and seems to have some very competitive pricing. Please give them a try if you have the chance, and make sure to leave feedback after you’ve tried them out.
It has been a busy week! We’ve added three new book buyback websites to BookScouter.com. They are GoSellBooks.com, GoGetterBooks.com, and Marathon Books. Please give these new companies a try, and leave feedback for them after your transaction has been completed to help others know about them.
A recent article on extrabux.com suggests that timing can drastically affect how much cash you get back when you sell your textbooks. In fact, due to the Laws of Supply and Demand, the week of August 20th is the best time of the year to sell your used textbooks. Research shows that sale prices during this week can increase by as much as 20%. In an effort to maintain enough supply to meet the Fall-Semester demand, book-buyback companies featured on BookScouter are currently in fierce competition for students’ textbooks. As a result, prices offered to you are at an annual high.
Now is the time to take advantage of the textbook buyback season. By using BookScouter, you can maximize the immediate sales for your used textbooks. Go out and get some cash.
This week, I wanted to give a more detailed review of the BookScouter Android App and explain how you can use it to buy inexpensive books and resell them for a good profit.