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BookScouter’s Feedback System

News & Updates By May 18, 2009 Last Updated on September 23, 2021 by The BookScouter Team No Comments

I go through a fair amount of work to ensure that the vendor feedback system on is accurate and comes from legitimate book sellers. For each submission, I go through a process to check several things that I have found indicative of problems. Submissions may be rejected or deleted if I identify any of the following:

  1. Vulgar or offensive language.
  2. Excessively poor grammar, punctuation, or spelling.
  3. Comments not specifically regarding the vendor to which they were submitted.
  4. Comments not related to selling books.
  5. Any attempt from a vendor to try to promote themselves or to attack another vendor.

Vendors in violation of number five risk having their site removed from and may be publicly humiliated.


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