What is the most shocking and irritating thing for students when they get into college and start preparing for the beginning of the semester? Textbook prices, plain and simple. Students visit college bookstores only to see inscrutably high prices. No wonder it’s tough to afford the requisite textbooks no matter how great your zeal for grasping new knowledge is.

BookScouter stands by you, students, and fully shares your concerns. That’s why we’ve decided to find out how much money a student can save when opting for BookScouter to buy cheap textbooks online at the best price instead of simply going to a popular bookstore.

For our “experiment” we’ve chosen the Michigan School of Psychology (MSP) and examined the list of textbooks required for the 3rd semester of 2021-2022.


Below you’ll find the table demonstrating the best price for each textbook ISBN found among 20+ BookScouter’s partner bookstores in one column and the price offered by Barnes&Noble bookstore in the other one.

Spoiler: you can save $600 and more each semester when buying textbooks using BookScouter!

Don’t think it’s true? Try to thoroughly study this table by yourself to realize that the difference is tangible.

ISBN Condition  Go buy at B&N Shop with
📙9781848726673 New




📙9780134419701 New




📙9780465061716 New




📙9780143127741 New




📙9781118980873 New




📙9780470028988 New




📙9781544362717 New




📙9781541617575 New




📙9781483340081 New




📙9780815395836 New




📙9781576759448 New




📙9781483344614 New




📙9780134752556 New




📙9780786886548 New




📙9780816669660 New




📙9781119258889 New




📙9781119804291 New




📙9780190635596 New




📙9781462544196 New




📙9781609189907 New




📙9781119167150 New




    TOTAL $1648.79 $1006.1


* –  Sun Devil Campus Store price added since the book is not available at B&N
**- Walmart price added since the book is not available at B&N
Note: Prices in the table are on the day of blogpost publication.

buy your books at the best price

The simple truth is that you need to be smart not only in your studies but also in your life. Being in the habit of shopping around may result in significant savings. You can spend the money saved on something from your wish list. Moreover, one more benefit is that you can partially clear student-loan debts with that sum.

We at BookScouter strive to help you save money comparing prices and we take great pride in this mission. We encourage you to read BookScouter reviews to see how we have helped other students save money on their textbooks.