Over the past 40 hours BookScouter.com has experienced some pricing discrepancies for specific vendors, causing the price shown on BookScouter to not reflect the actual price the vendor was offering. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused, and we’re happy to say these issues have been resolved. We take pride in BookScouter being the best resource to sell books and because of this, we want to let you know why this happened. There has been a longtime misconception that BookScouter buys books. In actuality, BookScouter.com is merely a price comparison site. We have no say in the prices offered for books. We use information given to us [not scraped] by each vendor and display that price on our price comparison page in real-time. As a result, when there is a price discrepancy on BookScouter.com, chances are it’s the vendor providing misinformation and not BookScouter attempting to bait and switch users.