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How Many Books Are In The Harry Potter Series? A Walkthrough of Hogwarts

All about books, Book lists By March 18, 2024 Last Updated on March 18, 2024 by Olivia Smith Tags: , , No Comments

How Many Books Are In The Harry Potter SeriesA pair of round glasses. A lightning-shaped scar.

These two elements have become as easy to distinguish in popular culture as the silhouette of a bat in the sky, highlighting Harry Potter as one of the most recognizable characters in pop culture.

But for those only familiar with the Boy Who Lived through the performance of Daniel Radcliff, reading the book series can seem tedious. After all, J.K. Rowling has expanded her original vision beyond the core story, which may be intimidating for newcomers.

If you’re wondering how many books are in the Harry Potter series, keep reading. While the article may not feature every short story or piece of media released, it offers a comprehensive guide to the most notorious entries in the Harry Potterverse.

18 Rare Comic Books: Discovering Hidden Gems in the World of Collectibles

Book lists, All about books By February 21, 2024 Last Updated on May 30, 2024 by Abigail White Tags: , , No Comments

Rare Comic Books

Comic books have captured the imagination of children and adults alike for nearly a century. And naturally, comic book collecting is a hobby as old as the passion that fueled it.

While many different issues are sought-after by collectors, a small bunch of them are considered the holy grail of comics—rare comic books that are hard to find, wildly beloved, and expensive. Very, very expensive.

Comic books deemed exceptionally rare—for their limited run, antiquity, or content—that carry a high-ranking quality certification by the Certified Guarantee Company (CGC) have immense value. A “millions of dollars” type of value, in some cases.

6 Best Pat Conroy Books You Can’t Miss

Book lists By February 21, 2024 Last Updated on February 21, 2024 by Olivia Smith Tags: , No Comments

Best Pat Conroy Books There are few authors capable of translating their life experiences into stories that others can read and feel part of. Some authors, however, take this art to the next level by drawing inspiration from their childhood experiences and lessons to produce unique pieces.

The Atlanta-born Donald Patrick “Pat” Conroy is an excellent example of such a gifted author. As the eldest of 7 children, his early life wasn’t the smoothest, with his school days being a prime example, seeing that he had attended 11 schools by age 15. Born in 1945, his upbringing and journey through military college shaped his writing to the last letter.

11 Mystery Romance Books That Will Keep You Guessing

Book lists By February 1, 2024 Last Updated on February 1, 2024 by Olivia Smith Tags: , , No Comments

mystery romance books

Mystery and romance are two book genres that, when done right, can pair up as nicely as steak and red wine. After all, both are akin to a rollercoaster ride, taking you through ups and downs toward a satisfying conclusion.

As such, mystery romance books combine the best of both.

The following 11 books are as varied as they are intriguing and promise you shocked gasps, heartfelt smiles, and heart-pumping thrills. The wide range of stories, plotlines, twists, and narrative styles are bound to captivate you—and who knows? Perhaps you will find your new favorite book.

10 Best Books on Parenting

Book lists By June 5, 2023 Last Updated on October 3, 2023 by Olivia Smith Tags: , , No Comments
Books on Parenting

They say all jobs have their good and tough days. We enjoy the good days but pray for the tough times to roll by quickly. An example of such a job with a rollercoaster of events is the job of parenting.

Bringing a child into this world is already hard enough, but nurturing that child into the model person society needs is just as demanding. It gets tougher for new parents because they’re stepping into a new territory unprepared.

10 Best Financial Literacy Books

Book lists By May 5, 2023 Last Updated on September 28, 2023 by Olivia Smith Tags: , , , , No Comments
Best Financial Literacy Books

Everyone seeks to attain financial stability and security throughout their lifetime. These are indeed necessary for daily living and affording the necessities for survival. But at the same time, no one wants to keep “surviving” where you struggle to acquire every need. This, in turn, further emphasizes the need for financial stability.

However, financial stability cannot exist if you lack the required proficiency. In other words, if you lack a proper understanding of how to manage your finances, the results won’t always look good.


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