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A Bunch of Vendor Feedback Approved

News & Updates By March 5, 2009 Last Updated on September 23, 2021 by The BookScouter Team 1 Comment

Tonight I noticed that I wasn’t receiving notifications about user feedback that was submitted for some reason. It has just been broken for a couple weeks, and I had nearly 30 items waiting to be approved. I’m glad that people are taking advantage of this. You can really get a sense of which companies have problems by reading through some of the messages. Added, Several Vendors Fixed

News & Updates By February 10, 2009 Last Updated on January 14, 2023 by Olivia Smith Tags: No Comments

I’ve just added to the site. I also noticed that was previously broken and seems to be working now, so that site is re-enabled.Also, had been broken because they had made some changes on their sites, and they are working again now as well.

With those changes, there are now 35 vendors showing up on the site.


News & Updates By January 18, 2009 Last Updated on September 23, 2021 by The BookScouter Team No Comments

I was away from my computer for most of the morning and just saw all of the emails about the site being down. After a quick investigation, I found that some of the database tables required to run the site were corrupted. This was causing the home page to show up incorrectly, and the pricing page would show the book detail but wouldn’t display any prices on it. The problem has been fixed now. I’m still trying to determine the cause, but it will likely just be ‘one of those things’ that computers sometimes do. Thanks to everybody who sent me an email letting me know about the problem.


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