For a limited time and exclusively through BookScouter, BookByte is offering a 5% Buyback Bonus to any sale using the promo code “SCOUT5”. This offer is good through May 31, 2015.
There are quite a bit of websites to find used textbooks for sale, and most of the offers seem reasonable. But how would you find which site is the best to sell used textbooks? BookScouter will help you to find your way around and save some money by choosing the right vendor.
BookScouter affiliate, Kyle Taylor, founder and editor of, posted an article today on titled, “For an A+ in Selling Used Textbooks, Learn About These Sites”. was mentioned as the number one resource for selling used textbooks. His excerpt of BookScouter is below.
Tucked away in the recesses of there once was a mobile-optimized site found at Having rebranded this mobile-optimized version of with the new BookScouter design, I’d like to re-introduce this tool.
Hope you are ready to take your BookScouter experience to the next level because we are excited to announce the release of our brand new, ‘Guide To BookScouting’!
Contact us about pricing and a sample to try it out!
BookScouter was featured in the article, “6 Ways to Earn Money Without Leaving the House” found on