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Brandon Sanderson: A Fantasy Journey through the Cosmere and Beyond

Book lists By July 17, 2024 Last Updated on July 22, 2024 by Abigail White Tags: , No Comments

Brandon Sanderson

Figuring out where to start in the vast collection of Brandon Sanderson books might present as much of a challenge as a fantasy hero beginning an epic quest. The Cosmere, Sanderson’s fantasy universe, represents only a part of his writing collection. While the series that take place within it are all excellent, avid readers should not ignore the other options.

For readers new to Sanderson’s work, The Emperor’s Soul is often recommended as an excellent introduction to his writing style and the Cosmere universe. However, for those interested in his non-Cosmere work, stories like Firstborn or Perfect State can provide a good taste of his science fiction writing.

Robert Ludlum Books In Order: an Ever-Expanding Universe

Book lists By July 8, 2024 Last Updated on July 8, 2024 by Olivia Smith Tags: , No Comments

Robert Ludlum

With a staggering 500 million copies sold worldwide, Robert Ludlum defined and popularized some of the most recognizable tropes within the thriller and spy fiction literary genres.

While his name may not be on everyone’s lips, his works certainly are. His most famous work, the Bourne Trilogy, continues to captivate readers four decades after its inception, while his other works remain in the public eye through numerous adaptations and spinoff stories.

8 Best Time Travel Books for Every Reader

Book lists By July 8, 2024 Last Updated on July 8, 2024 by Olivia Smith Tags: , , No Comments

best time travel books

Time travel has intrigued both readers and writers for ages. It breaks the boundaries of time and space. This allows us to revisit history, imagine alternative scenarios, and see the effects of changing the past or future.

Time travel books are very versatile and far from repetitive. Besides the excitement we associate with time travel stories, they also help us explore deep emotional and ethical questions.

Ready to discover some of the best time travel books? These stories have captivated readers around the world.

Janet Dailey Books – Groundbreaking Romance Author of 100+ Novels

Book lists By June 27, 2024 Last Updated on June 27, 2024 by Olivia Smith Tags: , No Comments

Janet Dailey

A love of reading romance books challenged Janet Dailey to try her hand at writing one of her own. In 1974, she boldly sent out an American West story to London-based Harlequin and made history. The well-known Mills & Boon publisher, who provided all books to Harlequin at that time, had never signed on an American author before. They didn’t have a category for western romance or the type of self-determined female main characters unbound by rigid societal expectations.

The Haunting Adeline Series: A Dark and Disturbing Romance

Book lists By June 26, 2024 Last Updated on June 26, 2024 by Olivia Smith Tags: , , No Comments

The Haunting Adeline series

Many books often challenge the famous saying that advises people not to judge a book by its cover, and the Haunting Adeline series by H.D. Carlton is one such exception to the rule.

The covers of both books are striking monochromatic imageries of grim elements like skulls, spiderwebs, and moths—all highlighted by splashes of crimson. This visual warning is further elevated by the first book’s GoodReads summary, which proudly declares that the series’ first book was once banned on Amazon due to its triggering content.

11 Best WLW Books To Celebrate Sapphic Romance

Book lists By June 20, 2024 Last Updated on June 20, 2024 by Olivia Smith Tags: , , No Comments

best WLW books

Lesbian and sapphic literature has always pushed boundaries, with authors finding creative ways to portray the many facets of love between women despite adversity and prejudice.

Books about women loving women, gay books—and LGBTQ+ literature in general—are as diverse as the authors. They can be cathartic pieces that explore the tragedy of many queer women throughout history, sweet fairytales with happily ever afters, or anything in-between.

The following novels are exceptional works of literature worth reading throughout Pride Month and beyond.


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