Get money by selling textbooks on for a limited time offer of five percent extra cash. This special Fourth of July deal extends until July 16, 2016.

Follow these five steps to claim your extra cash:

  1. Look up your ISBN on BookScouter (more books = more money).
  2. Locate BooksRun and select β€œSell.”
  3. You must create an account to sell your book(s). Enter the BooksRun coupon code β€œJULY4TH” (without quotes) once you create an account and receive an extra five percent cash.
  4. Ship your books for free.
  5. Receive payment via PayPal or a check.

That’s all! Finish up the payment, shipping, and tracking options, and you’ll receive an extra five percent on your buyback order. Head back to BookScouter to rate your experience and leave a BooksRun review, and don’t forget to share this great offer!