Attending college is exciting, but it comes with many challenges. If you are a student, you are probably fighting several battles at once, trying to keep up with the workload, meeting deadlines, and managing your budget. Add the pandemic to the equation. In the midst of it all, you’re also trying hard to network and socialize. It may not sound like much, but all these extra challenges can impact your mental health. And they do—numerous studies prove that there are plenty of reasons to be more worried about the mental health of college students than ever before.
Natalie Meyers
Natalie Meyers is a freelance writer and editor with more than 15 years of experience. As an English major and a psychology graduate, she worked as a teacher and a counselor. As a writer, she's covered a diverse range of topics from technology to publishing. She is an avid reader who believes that books help us become more authentic versions of ourselves. At BookScouter, she's a smart writer and an expert in all things books.