BookScouter has a host of preferred merchants, companies to whom we have shipped books and with whom we have had a good relationship. We have vetted these businesses to find ones that offer booksellers the best experience. The preferred book buyback merchant for the next few weeks is

Consumers may not know that sells eTextbooks and used books in addition to their popular buyback feature. See reviews on Operations consistently offers some of the top buyback prices on BookScouter. has the distinction of holding the most used textbooks on the planet — over 10 million used books in their warehouse. They make selling textbooks easy with free shipping, 30-day guaranteed quotes, and simple 30-day return for textbooks bought on their site.

Note that free shipping applies only to non-Marketplace transactions valued at $25 or more. The Marketplace displays a list of approved individual vendors who process their own orders and returns. Buyback Tips

You need to be honest when you report your book’s condition. has specific guidelines for judging the condition of your books, so be sure to read them so you can get the most money. They hand-inspect every book entering their warehouse, so be accurate in assigning the condition. gets users the most money for books on both the buy and sell side with their Best Price Guarantee and Guaranteed Cash Back. The Best Price Guarantee makes sure you pay the lowest prices for your textbooks. If you find a book sold directly from Amazon (not a third party) for a lower price within 24 hours of ordering from, they refund the difference. Books labelled “Guaranteed Cash Back” are guaranteed 50 percent cash back of what you paid for the book if it’s in good condition at the end of the semester. pays for your books by check or PayPal. You will usually receive PayPal payment one to two weeks after the transaction, while a check may take two to four weeks. See what your used textbooks are worth on BookScouter, and consider selling to preferred vendor to turn your old textbooks into cash.