BookScouter has a host of preferred merchants, companies to whom we have shipped books and with whom we have had a good relationship. We have vetted these vendors to find ones that offer booksellers the best experience.
Meet Our Preferred Merchant — Buyback Express
The preferred merchant for the next few weeks is Buyback Express. They have an exceptional rating of four and one half stars on BookScouter’s feedback page. They pride themselves on their excellent customer service. Their professional and friendly support staff promptly address questions and concerns via chat, email, and phone. Most emails are answered within one business day and usually 90 minutes if sent during business hours.
Buyback Express Payments
Buyback Express insures its free shipping and also provides tracking. They pay sellers quickly, the number one complaint against buyback companies. As soon as your buyback arrives, they send PayPal or check payment that very day. Don’t worry that your textbook isn’t in tip-top shape. Buyback Express accepts books in all conditions and does everything they can to pay you the full quoted price for your textbook.
But Wait, There’s More: Buyback Electronics
Buyback Express’s customer-focused business model led it to rebrand in 2015 from to Now they buyback electronics, books and textbooks, movies, games, and music.
Thank you, Buyback Express, for your incredible customer-based business and top prices on BookScouter.