You may be familiar with BookScouter’s list of preferred vendors. If not, we’ll fill you in. Preferred merchants are the companies to whom we have shipped books and with whom we have a good relationship. We have vetted these vendors to find ones that offer booksellers the best experience. They often have the highest ratings and selling prices on BookScouter. The crème de la crème, if you will.

Meet the Newest Addition to the Cream of the Crop

We’re happy to announce the addition of a new preferred vendor, CollegeFocus. CollegeFocus is relatively new to our site, but their vendor ranking moved upward quickly, and they now sport a four and a half star rating on BookScouter’s review page. CollegeFocus buys, sells, and rents textbooks. Their business focuses on helping college students deal with college life as a whole, not just buying/selling textbooks. They want to cut down on the stress associated with college life decisions. Their articles on financing, housing, and health provide students with resources to succeed. Not to mention they have a great “Humor” page on their site. Thank you, CollegeFocus, for your great service, and welcome to the BookScouter family!