One of our BookScouter Pro Tools is a Historic Buyback Price tool that allows you to analyze past book prices. This tool can be used to understand pricing trends for a given book or collection of books. It can assist you in determining the best time to sell your books. Here are a few examples:
- Using theBuyback Price History tool we find that Single Variable Calculus (0495559725) was sold for $78.38 in May of 2009, and in May of 2010 it sells for $82.13. So according to this, May seems to be the highest selling point for this book.
- The average price for Conceptual Physics (0321548094) at its highest was $32.40, but it is now only $15.61. This may be one of those books that you would want to hold for a while to see if the price will go back up.
Hopefully this quick introduction has given you some insight into the power of the Historic Buyback Price tool. It should allow you to maximize your selling prices and help you earn more money. If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to comment!