We’d like to ask BookScouter users to help make a difference in the lives of children in our home town of Athens,Β Georgia. We’ve sponsored a local charity called “Books for Keeps” for many years now. The charity provides free books to elementary school children so that they have the opportunity to read through their summer school break. Studies have shown that students who continue to read through the summer months are more likely to graduate high school and be employed, as well as being more likely to earn a higher lifetime income. About 16% of students who are not reading proficiently by the end of the third grade do not graduate from high school on time, which is over 4 times the rate of students who are proficient readers. Books for Keeps helps kids keep reading, building a strong foundation for future education and life.

The founder of Books For Keeps, Melaney Smith, has been honored by L’Oreal Paris as one of “10 Women of Worth”. As part of the campaign, L’Oreal is accepting votes, and the winner receives a grant of $25k donated to their cause in addition to the $10k already won by being nominated. This would mean that Books For Keeps could expand from 10 to 25 schools in the next 5 years, donating books to an additional 800 children. This expansion will reach more students in Athens, as well as students in Atlanta and other rural schools throughout the state.

We invite all of our BookScouter users to go to the L’Oreal Paris site and vote for Melaney to make this possible! Remember, you can vote every day, and also be sure to like the Books for Keeps virtual Facebook event.

