BookScouter continues to grow in traffic every season. With this growth comes increased customer service inquiries. One of the more frequent inquiries we receive asks us for our recommendation to whom they should sell a specific book. Despite BookScouter user reviews and price comparisons, it became clear that users wanted a vendor recommendation from BookScouter.
For a limited time and exclusively through BookScouter, BookByte is offering a 5% Buyback Bonus to any sale using the promo code “SCOUT5”. This offer is good through May 31, 2015.
No doubt you’ve noticed many changes to the site over the past 90 days. These changes, albeit primarily cosmetic, have set the stage for many more exciting changes to BookScouter. To that end,Β I would like to take a moment to explain why we made the change, what has changed so far, and what changes are yet to come.
Tucked away in the recesses of there once was a mobile-optimized site found at Having rebranded this mobile-optimized version of with the new BookScouter design, I’d like to re-introduce this tool.
Hope you are ready to take your BookScouter experience to the next level because we are excited to announce the release of our brand new, βGuide To BookScoutingβ!
The last time that we redesigned the BookScouter site was clear back in April of 2010.Β (It was really ugly before that.) We’ve spent the past several months working on the new design and think that the new look is a huge improvement that makes the site look much more modern.Β None of the functionality has changed, but you may find some links in slightly different places.Β We’ve spent the last week fixing some minor bugs that were introduced with the redesign and listening to your requests for changes based on how you used the site.Β We’ve got a few more minor things that we’d like to clean up, but everything should be running pretty well now.