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10 Most Searched Computer Science Textbooks in 2024

Book lists By August 24, 2022 Last Updated on January 4, 2024 by Sammy Wilson Tags: , , No Comments

Technology is more accessible than it has ever been and will only become more ubiquitous with time. Though using a search engine or infinitely scrolling through Instagram’s discover page are intuitive tasks, the algorithms and coding languages used to create these interfaces are far more complex.

Though coding can now be learned in grade school or on YouTube, there are countless concepts that any computer scientist needs to acquire to truly grasp the vast applications and future capabilities of computer science algorithms and data. Relevant textbooks are essential to cover the ever-growing breadth of content in the field.

Along with algebra textbooks and engineering textbooks, BookScouter has put together a list of 10 of its most searched computer science books.

20 Most Searched Pearson Textbooks in 2024

Book lists By August 19, 2022 Last Updated on January 5, 2024 by Sammy Wilson Tags: , No Comments

If you’ve read a textbook before, odds are you’ve encountered, Pearson. Along with the big five publishing houses, Pearson controls 80% of the college textbook market in the US.

Whether virtual or in print, textbooks are crucial to the college experience. The average full-time undergraduate pays $1,226 for textbooks per year. Depending on the course and professor, a large chunk of that money goes to Pearson.

Without further ado, here are the most searched Pearson textbooks in 2024. Don’t forget to take notes! There’s a great article on our blog with tips on how to take notes from textbooks the best way.

Best Books for Anxiety in 2024

Book lists By August 15, 2022 Last Updated on January 4, 2024 by Sammy Wilson Tags: No Comments

Anxiety can touch both children and adults alike. Anxiety is a response to stress and a protective mechanism adopted by our body’s defense system. It should be noted that anxiety is quite different from our regular nervousness and worrying.

Depression and anxiety go hand in hand. When fear takes over, our body might feel highly restless, our heart rate increases, profusely sweat, and we become tense in dealing with regular day-to-day activities.

Best Books for Young Adults in 2024

Book lists By August 10, 2022 Last Updated on January 4, 2024 by Sammy Wilson Tags: , , No Comments

Are you a young adult, bored, and in dire need of quick mind fuel to boost your day? Perhaps you lack excitement, and your body isn’t just getting the vibes or motivation it needs to power through the day. One solution to this is a good book.

And don’t worry, we’re not recommending your school text or the daily newspaper for you; no one is in the mood for that right now. Instead, here are the ten best books for young adults to read and get their brains buzzing.

10 Most Searched Anatomy and Physiology Textbooks in 2024

Book lists By July 13, 2022 Last Updated on January 4, 2024 by Sammy Wilson Tags: , , No Comments

The human body is one of the most complex and awe-inspiring biological machines in the world. We are all composed of incredibly intricate structures and organs that operate both independently and in collaboration allowing us to walk, speak, eat, think, and engage with the world we live in. It is frankly extraordinary. It seems impossible that a science textbook can distill all that complexity into a single volume. Yet, there are countless great textbooks out there for students and interested readers.

Here’s BookScouter’s list of 10 most searched Anatomy and Physiology Textbooks.

10 Most Searched Geography Textbooks in 2024

Book lists By July 11, 2022 Last Updated on January 4, 2024 by Sammy Wilson Tags: , , No Comments

The earliest known maps date back to the 6th century BCE. From there, the study of cartography and geography grew leaps and bounds giving us ever growing knowledge about the earth’s physical geography. Geography has been the impetus for conquest and colonization for nearly all human history. It has also inspired travel, discovery, history, archeology, and climate action among other things.


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