Iโ€™m happy to announce, that after much work, the BookScouter iPhone App is available in the App Store. This allows you access to the full power of the BookScouter pricing comparisons on your iPhone.

Available in the App Store

Sell your books for the highest price! Simply scan or enter any book ISBN, and BookScouter will scour the Internet and identify any websites buying the book and compare their prices.

BookScouter Scanner App is perfect for

  • College students who want to check their textbooks prices before selling them back to the bookstore
  • Anybody who wants to sell some books around their home for some extra cash
  • Individuals who shop at thrift stores and yard sales to find valuable books for a bargain
  • Book retailers wanting to get rid of some inventory

BookScouter App Features

  • Searches 30+ Book Buyback websites
  • ISBN entry via on-screen keyboard
  • Camera integration to simply take a photo of an ISBN
  • Integration with http://bookscouter.com/
  • The most thorough book buyback app around