For a limited time and exclusively through BookScouter, BookByte is offering a 5% Buyback Bonus to any sale using the promo code “SCOUT5”. This offer is good through May 31, 2015.

Redemption Instructions

  1. Search your ISBN on
  2. Locate BookByte and click “Sell”.
  3. Continue adding books by following steps 1-2 (new books will automatically be added to your BookByte cart).
  4. When you’re ready to check out, login to BookByte, create an account, or proceed via Guest checkout.
  5. Type “SCOUT5” (without quotes) into the “Have a Promo Code?” box below your “Order Summary”.
  6. Click “Apply” and watch your total increase by 5%.

Complete your payment options, shipping information, and optional tracking alerts, and you’ve earned an extra 5% on your buyback order! Be sure to return to to rate your experience and let others know about this limited time offer.