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Books by NASA History Division

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Mars Wars: The Rise and Fall of the Space Exploration Initiative image

Mars Wars: The Rise and Fall of the Space Exploration Initiative

ISBN-13: 9781780393032
Released: Mar 01, 2011
Format: Paperback, 198 pages
Humans to Mars: Fifty Years of Mission Planning, 1950-2000. NASA Monograph in Aerospace History, No. 21, 2001 (NASA SP-2001-4521) image

Humans to Mars: Fifty Years of Mission Planning, 1950-2000. NASA Monograph in Aerospace History, No. 21, 2001 (NASA SP-2001-4521)

ISBN-13: 9781780393056
Edition: Illustrated
Released: Mar 01, 2011
Format: Paperback, 162 pages
U.S. Human Spaceflight: A Record of Achievement, 1961-2006. Monograph in Aerospace History No. 41, 2007. (NASA SP-2007-4541) image

U.S. Human Spaceflight: A Record of Achievement, 1961-2006. Monograph in Aerospace History No. 41, 2007. (NASA SP-2007-4541)

ISBN-13: 9781780393063
Released: Mar 01, 2011
Format: Paperback, 102 pages
American X-Vehicles: An Inventory- X-1 to X-50. NASA Monograph in Aerospace History, No. 31, 2003 (SP-2003-4531) image

American X-Vehicles: An Inventory- X-1 to X-50. NASA Monograph in Aerospace History, No. 31, 2003 (SP-2003-4531)

ISBN-13: 9781780393070
Edition: Illustrated
Released: Mar 01, 2011
Format: Paperback, 64 pages
Memoirs of an Aeronautical Engineer: Flight Tests at Ames Research Center: 1940-1970. Monograph in Aerospace History, No. 26, 2002 (NASA SP-2002-4526) image

Memoirs of an Aeronautical Engineer: Flight Tests at Ames Research Center: 1940-1970. Monograph in Aerospace History, No. 26, 2002 (NASA SP-2002-4526)

ISBN-13: 9781780393094
Released: Mar 01, 2011
Format: Paperback, 180 pages
Low Cost Innovation in Spaceflight: The History of the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) Mission. Monograph in Aerospace History, No. 36, 2005 image

Low Cost Innovation in Spaceflight: The History of the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) Mission. Monograph in Aerospace History, No. 36, 2005

ISBN-13: 9781780393117
Edition: Illustrated
Released: Mar 01, 2011
Format: Paperback, 84 pages
Wilbur and Orville Wright: A Bibliography Commemorating the One-Hundredth Anniversary of the First Powered Flight on December 17, 1903 image

Wilbur and Orville Wright: A Bibliography Commemorating the One-Hundredth Anniversary of the First Powered Flight on December 17, 1903

ISBN-13: 9781780393124
Edition: Illustrated
Released: Mar 01, 2011
Format: Paperback, 154 pages
Enchanted Rendezvous: John C. Houbolt and the Genesis of the Lunar-Orbit Rendezvous Concept. Monograph in Aerospace History, No. 4, 1995 image

Enchanted Rendezvous: John C. Houbolt and the Genesis of the Lunar-Orbit Rendezvous Concept. Monograph in Aerospace History, No. 4, 1995

ISBN-13: 9781780393148
Edition: Illustrated
Released: Mar 01, 2011
Format: Paperback, 76 pages
Legislative Origins of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958: Proceedings of an Oral History Workshop. Monograph in Aerospace History, No. 8 image

Legislative Origins of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958: Proceedings of an Oral History Workshop. Monograph in Aerospace History, No. 8

ISBN-13: 9781780393162
Edition: Illustrated
Released: Mar 01, 2011
Format: Paperback, 88 pages
Black Magic and Gremlins: Analog Flight Simulations at NASA's Flight Research Center. Monograph in Aerospace History, No. 20, 2000 (NASA SP-2000-4520) image

Black Magic and Gremlins: Analog Flight Simulations at NASA's Flight Research Center. Monograph in Aerospace History, No. 20, 2000 (NASA SP-2000-4520)

Author(s): Waltman, Gene L.
ISBN-13: 9781780393223
Edition: Illustrated
Released: Mar 01, 2011
Format: Paperback, 244 pages