Spanish and Portuguese Conflict in the Spice Islands: The Loaysa Expedition to the Moluccas 1525-1535. From Book XX of the General and Natural History ... Y Valdés (Hakluyt Society Third Series, 38)
Yermak’s Campaign in Siberia: A selection of documents translated from the Russian by Tatiana Minorsky and David Wileman (Hakluyt Society, Second Series)
The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, by an unknown author: With some extracts from Agatharkhides 'On the Erythraean Sea' (Hakluyt Society, Second Series)
The Travel Journal of Antonio de Beatis through Germany, Switzerland, the Low Countries, France and Italy, 1517–8: Germany, Switzerland, The Low ... 1517-1518 (Hakluyt Society, Second Series)