Books by Alfaomega, ESIC

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Gestión por procesos 5a ed. (Spanish Edition) image

Gestión por procesos 5a ed. (Spanish Edition)

Author(s): PÉREZ
ISBN-13: 9786077076940
Edition: 5
Publisher: Alfaomega, ESIC
Released: Jul 23, 2013
Format: Textbook Binding, 312 pages
Logística integral - la gestión operativa de la empresa (Spanish Edition) image

Logística integral - la gestión operativa de la empresa (Spanish Edition)

Author(s): ANAYA
ISBN-13: 9788473567701
Edition: 4
Publisher: Alfaomega, ESIC
Released: Jul 22, 2011
Format: Textbook Binding, 252 pages