Dropping out is a huge decision with far-reaching consequences. Before answering in the affirmative to “Should I drop out of college?” you should consider the ramifications carefully before moving forward. Here are some questions to ask yourself before you decide if now is the time to drop out of college.

Dropping Out of College Statistics

Before we start discussing the best time and way when to drop out of college, let’s take a look at some statistics on the subject. Here are some data on college dropout rates:

  • The BestColleges review states, “…between 2016 and 2021, the average dropout rate for first-year, full-time students was 24.4%. As of 2022, approximately 29.2% of students who entered school in 2017 neither earned their degree nor were enrolled. About 1.4 million Americans had completed four or more years of college but had no degree in 2021.”
  • The overall status dropout rate for 16- to 24-year-olds decreased from 8.3 percent in 2010 to 5.2 percent in 2021,” according to the National Center for Education Statistics.
  • 17% of students enrolled in college say they’re planning to drop out of college after this semester for this or that reason, according to the data on the World Economic Forum data for 2022.

Should I Drop Out of College? Is It Right for Me?

How do you know if dropping out of college is the best decision for you?

It’s not an easy question. After all the effort you’ve put into the preparation for college, passing tests, and all sorts of stress in the process of studying, is dropping out the right answer?

Should I Drop Out of College?

You need to ask yourself, “Why do you want to drop out of college?” Is it about finances? Is the workload excessive? Have you become disappointed in your major? Is dropping out the only solution? Your problem may be fixed in a less extreme way.

  • For instance, if you’ve decided that you’re on the wrong career path, you may just need to change your major rather than quitting school entirely.
  • If you’re unhappy with your institution, look into transferring to a school with an atmosphere that suits you better.
  • If you’re feeling stuck in a rut but can afford school, try a semester abroad or a semester-long internship away from campus.
  • If you are facing a difficult problem in your personal life, see if you can take a leave of absence rather than drop out. Some schools allow students to take a semester off and then resume where they left off without any penalties.
  • If you’re thinking of quitting school just because it’s harder than you expected it to be, it’s unlikely that quitting is your best option.

Being successful in the real world without a college degree will likely present even more challenging obstacles. If you are overwhelmed by the difficulty of college, check out this article about adjusting to college life or this article full of resources to help you succeed in college, or even top 7 highest paying jobs without a degree.

“Should I Drop Out of College?” When Dropping Out of College May Be OK?

If you have serious academic or financial problems, dropping out of college might be something worth considering. If you’re struggling with coursework, taking a break might be necessary. If tuition and other expenses are excessive and there is no financial aid or scholarship to rely on, you might need help to keep going. In this case, dropping out of college to avoid too much debt is also a way out. But before making any decisions, check out all available options and resources.

Do You Need a Degree?

Maybe your parents always wanted you to go to school, but you never wanted to. If you truly have no desire to be in college—any college—then it might not be for you.

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Perhaps you are already employed, and a college degree is unnecessary in your industry. If that’s the case, before you make a decision about dropping out of college, talk with others in your industry. Approach successful people whose careers you would like to emulate and ask them if they have college degrees or whether they think that the industry is moving in a certain direction. Ask them how they feel about their degree and where college degrees will be necessary for the next few decades.

If you are confident that you will be able to succeed in your chosen industry and that your lack of a degree will not impact your career aspirations or your earning potential, then dropping out might be the right decision for you.

Can You Handle Your Student Loan?

Like millions of others, you may also be worried about the debt you incur to get a college education. If this is one of your main concerns, try breaking down the numbers. Take a look at your loans and figure out how much you will have paid for your college education by the time it’s all paid off (student loan debt calculators can help you).

Use the skills you’ve learned in college thus far and do some research—how much can you expect to make in your chosen career? Compare your earning potential with a degree in your field versus not having a degree in your field. Is it worth the debt you will incur? If not, maybe another reason makes it worth it—like a passion for your field. If the numbers are not working in favor of staying in school and you don’t have another compelling reason to stick around, then dropping out may be your best option.

How to Know When It’s Time to Drop Out of College

Choosing to leave college is a big decision that could have major consequences. Use wisdom and take your time when making this decision.

“I Want to Drop Out of College. It’s the Right Decision.”

How to Drop Out of College: Planning and Strategy

So, “I want to drop out of college” has become a decision. What will you do instead? You must have a plan. Consider how things in your life will change. You will no longer have student loans or scholarships to cover your living expenses.

  • Envision the short term: How will you pay your rent and other living expenses in the first year after dropping out of school?
  • Consider the long term: What kind of career do you want to have? Maybe you plan to wait tables to pay your bills right away, but do you love waiting tables enough to keep doing it for the next several decades? If so, make sure that the income from that job will support the lifestyle that you want to have.
  • Come up with a strategy: If you have more of a short-term plan, think about what you want to do for your career. How will you get there? Does it require more of an education than you currently have (e.g., training from a trade school)? If so, how do you plan to get that education?
  • Take a gap year: If you think, “I want to quit college,” but you’re also unsure of what you want to do once you’re free of the constraints of college life, consider taking a gap year. Gapyearassociation offers gap year programs that combine service learning with skill-building and internships to help launch your career without a formal college education.

How to Share Your Plans about Dropping out of College?

How will you go about letting everyone know about your plans? Communication is important, especially if your parents have been funding your education. When telling your parents, make sure you are clear about why you are dropping out of college and how you plan to get by after you leave school. You should also talk to your friends at school and let them know why and when you will be leaving …which brings up another important question!

Remember, that you shouldn’t make this decision in isolation. Even though sharing your plans can be tough, it is important to loop in people you highly respect and those who are important in your life before making a big decision.

How to Make Your Final Decision?

Set a decision deadline: “Should I drop out of college?” you keep tormenting yourself. When will you make a final decision? Sometimes, agonizing over a decision causes significant distress on its own. Making the decision can be a relief and allow you to start making concrete plans to move on with your life. Set a deadline for yourself and stick to it. The same principle applies to actually quitting—if you choose to leave school, when will you do that?

Choose the best period: If you decide early in the semester that you want to leave, you may be able to get a partial tuition refund. If you have gone far enough into the semester that you will not be able to get a refund, consider sticking around through the end of the semester. This has the advantage of giving you college credit for the classes you took and gives you the option of using the credits if you ever decide to return to college.

Let people know: It’s important that you not ponder these questions in total isolation. You should talk to people and let them know what you’re thinking. It’s a good idea to talk to a mental health professional, a trusted professor, someone who works in the industry you hope to work in, someone who has dropped out of college, and at least one person who knows you well. All of these people will have different perspectives and might be able to raise points that had not occurred to you.

Be honest with yourself: Also, think deeply about who you are and how you will fare without the structure of college life. People often tout the success stories of famous college dropouts to illustrate that college degrees are unnecessary. Sure, the stories of Steve Jobs and Coco Chanel dropping out of college are inspiring, but do you have the internal motivation to build an empire? If you are motivated and can forge a path on your own, these might be excellent role models. If you tend toward late nights watching television and sleeping until noon when deprived of structure, then you should consider that when making such a decision.

Is It Bad to Drop Out of College?

There is no one correct answer for everyone. Dropping out of college can save you a lot of money and give you the chance to work full-time. After all, you may not like your major, feel like you’re not ready, or just don’t think a degree is important for your career. However, it can limit your future career options, make it harder to repay student loans that you’ve already taken, and place you in less favorable income conditions. For instance, according to the Education Data Initiative, college dropouts have an average of 35% less income than bachelor’s degree holders; the former are 20% more likely to be unemployed, too. So, it’s important to think carefully about the consequences before making such a big decision.

whether you earn your degree or not, always use your passion to lead you.

Whether you complete your degree or not, forge your own path and tap into your internal motivation to achieve your dreams.

Know that you want to complete your degree but are struggling with some aspects of the college experience? Check out the article on how to adjust to college life.