Books by Washington, Harold C.

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Wealth and Poverty in the Instruction of Amenemope and the Hebrew Proverbs: A Comparative Case Study in the Social Location and Function of Ancient Near Eastern Wisdom Literature image

Wealth and Poverty in the Instruction of Amenemope and the Hebrew Proverbs: A Comparative Case Study in the Social Location and Function of Ancient Near Eastern Wisdom Literature

ISBN-13: 9780788500725
Publisher: Scholars Pr
Released: Jan 01, 1994
Format: Hardcover, 252 pages
Wealth and Poverty in the Instruction of Amenemope and the Hebrew Proverbs (Dissertation (Paperback)) image

Wealth and Poverty in the Instruction of Amenemope and the Hebrew Proverbs (Dissertation (Paperback))

ISBN-13: 9780788500732
Released: Jan 01, 1994
Format: Paperback, 256 pages