The Journal of the Earl of Egmont: Abstract of the Trustees Proceedings for Establishing the Colony of Georgia, 1732-1738 (Georgia Open History Library)
The Journal of the Earl of Egmont: Abstract of the Trustees Proceedings for Establishing the Colony of Georgia, 1732-1738 (Georgia Open History Library)
Some observations on the present state of Ireland, particularly with relation to the woollen manufacture. In a letter to His Excellency the Duke of Dorset.
An Essay on the Means of Discharging the Public Debt; In Which the Reasons for Instituting a National Bank, and Disposing of the Forest-Lands, Are ... Proposal for Establishing a National Bank.
Thoughts on the pernicious consequences of borrowing money, with a proposal for raising a supply for the current service. Also for taking off part of ... the national debt by annuities on lives.