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Books by Gross, H.

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Quadratic Forms in Infinite Dimensional Vector Spaces (Progress in Mathematics, 1) image

Quadratic Forms in Infinite Dimensional Vector Spaces (Progress in Mathematics, 1)

Author(s): Gross, H.
ISBN-13: 9780817611118
Edition: 1979
Publisher: Birkhauser
Released: Jan 01, 1979
Format: Paperback, 433 pages
Global Medical Missions, Preparation, Procedure, Practice image

Global Medical Missions, Preparation, Procedure, Practice

Author(s): Gross, H.
ISBN-13: 9781632692795
Publisher: Trusted Books
Released: Apr 16, 2014
Format: Paperback, 336 pages
Gallia Judaica: Dictionnaire geographique de la France d'apres les sources rabbiniques (Collection de la Revue Des Etudes Juives) (French Edition) image

Gallia Judaica: Dictionnaire geographique de la France d'apres les sources rabbiniques (Collection de la Revue Des Etudes Juives) (French Edition)

Author(s): Gross, H.
ISBN-13: 9789042921313
Released: Apr 05, 2011
Format: Paperback, 766 pages