Books by Dulles, Avery Robert

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A history of apologetics (Theological resources) image

A history of apologetics (Theological resources)

ISBN-13: 9780664209117
Publisher: Corpus
Released: Jan 01, 1971
Format: Hardcover, 307 pages
A Church to believe in: Discipleship and the dynamics of freedom image

A Church to believe in: Discipleship and the dynamics of freedom

ISBN-13: 9780824504267
Edition: First Edition
Publisher: Crossroad
Released: Jan 01, 1982
Format: Paperback, 200 pages
Pope John Paul II on the Body: Human, Eucharistic, Ecclesial: Festschrift Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J image

Pope John Paul II on the Body: Human, Eucharistic, Ecclesial: Festschrift Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J

Author(s): Gavin, John
ISBN-13: 9780916101541
Released: May 01, 2006
Format: Hardcover, 410 pages