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Books by Crombie, A.C.

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Augustine to Galileo image

Augustine to Galileo

Author(s): Crombie, A.C.
ISBN-13: 9780435541941
Edition: 2 r.e.
Released: Jan 01, 1980
Format: Hardcover, 780 pages
The History of Science from Augustine to Galileo image

The History of Science from Augustine to Galileo

Author(s): Crombie, A.C.
ISBN-13: 9780486288505
Released: Feb 26, 1996
Format: Paperback, 464 pages
Augustine to Galileo image

Augustine to Galileo

Author(s): Crombie, A.C.
ISBN-13: 9780674052734
Released: Mar 15, 1980
Format: Hardcover, 728 pages
Medieval and Early Modern Science, Volume I, Science in the Middle Ages: V-XIII Centuries, and Volume II, Science in the Later Middle Ages and Early ... XIII-XVII Centuries: Second revised edition image

Medieval and Early Modern Science, Volume I, Science in the Middle Ages: V-XIII Centuries, and Volume II, Science in the Later Middle Ages and Early ... XIII-XVII Centuries: Second revised edition

Author(s): Crombie, A.C.
ISBN-13: 9780674564008
Format: Hardcover, 720 pages
Styles of Scientific Thinking in the European Tradition: The History of Argument and Explanation Especially in the Mathematical and Biomedical Sciences and Arts image

Styles of Scientific Thinking in the European Tradition: The History of Argument and Explanation Especially in the Mathematical and Biomedical Sciences and Arts

Author(s): Crombie, A.C.
ISBN-13: 9780715624395
Edition: First Edition
Publisher: Duckbacks
Released: Jan 01, 1994
Format: Hardcover, 2456 pages
The Rational Arts of Living (Studies in History, No 50) image

The Rational Arts of Living (Studies in History, No 50)

Author(s): Crombie, A.C.
ISBN-13: 9780873910415
Edition: y First printing
Format: Paperback, 0 pages
Science, Optics and Music in Medieval and Early Modern Thought image

Science, Optics and Music in Medieval and Early Modern Thought

Author(s): Crombie, A.C.
ISBN-13: 9780907628798
Edition: First Edition
Released: Jan 01, 1990
Format: Hardcover, 198 pages
Medieval And Early Modern Science, V2: Science In The Later Middle Ages And Early Modern Times, Thirteenth To Seventeenth Centuries image

Medieval And Early Modern Science, V2: Science In The Later Middle Ages And Early Modern Times, Thirteenth To Seventeenth Centuries

Author(s): Crombie, A.C.
ISBN-13: 9781258096205
Released: Aug 26, 2011
Format: Hardcover, 424 pages
Medieval And Early Modern Science, V2: Science In The Later Middle Ages And Early Modern Times, Thirteenth To Seventeenth Centuries image

Medieval And Early Modern Science, V2: Science In The Later Middle Ages And Early Modern Times, Thirteenth To Seventeenth Centuries

Author(s): Crombie, A.C.
ISBN-13: 9781258202774
Released: Oct 15, 2011
Format: Paperback, 424 pages
Science, Art and Nature in Medieval and Modern Thought image

Science, Art and Nature in Medieval and Modern Thought

Author(s): Crombie, A.C.
ISBN-13: 9781852850678
Edition: 0
Released: Aug 02, 2003
Format: Hardcover, 450 pages