World of Books - Sell Your Books

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World of Books - Sell Your Books allows you to sell your unwanted books, CDs, DVDs, and games online and get paid by bank transfer or PayPal. “We believe that no book should only be read once, or have a single owner; this forms the basis of everything we do.” They offer free shipping, a 25-day return policy, and a price match guarantee. You can sell items from any genre, such as fiction, non-fiction, biography, etc. Being a member of the World of Books Group (together with Wob and Shopiago), World of Books - Sell Your Books is a 100% circular economy that resells, donates, or recycles the items it buys.
Note: We calculate the star rating based on the reviews and scores the vendor has received over the last 2 years.
Trust Check Passed (January 15, 2025)
No recent complaints received by BookScouter for this store
Current positive reviews found on third-party review sites
Responded within 24 hours to customer service inquiry
World of Books - Sell Your Books Buyback Details
Payment Information
World of Books will aim to process your order as soon as possible, usually within 3 days after its delivery. Your chosen payment method will determine how quickly you receive your payment after processing is complete. Bank Transfer (ACH) will take up to 5 business days after processing to be issued. PayPal payments will be issued within 3 business days after the order has been processed.
•   ACH
•   PayPal
Shipping Information
World of Books provides a FedEx pre-paid shipping label.

World of Books - Sell Your Books Reviews

Dec 22, 2024

Comment: Fair price for selling my pre owned college textbooks. Easy process!

Dec 17, 2024

Comment: I've been trading for over ten years and I can tell you which companies are the best and who to avoid. W.O.B. is the absolute best and has become my go to trading partner. I don't need to bother wasting time even checking to see the prices on the competition. They have prepared easy to use interfast that is fast and efficient. They are honest and don't trick you. The give the best rates. I still occasionally use ecampus, sellbackyourbook, powells and textbook rush, (never EVER use booksrun) but World of books has soared above the rest recently. Even when they were ziffit they were one of my favorites but they have recently made trading even better. Very few other guys take CDS or DVDs and the ones that do have interfaces from HELL. (i shouldn't mention names but they are declutter and Eaglesaver who I stopped using). Thanks guys, please don't change. World of books is the BEST TRADER

Dec 12, 2024

Comment: I'm a college student and have been looking for company's that purchase college books. World of books is the company that has paid the most for the books, The best part is I received my payment so fast A++++. I recommend this company to all collage students to make extra cash.

Dec 12, 2024

Comment: Received my 3rd payment from World of Books. I cannot believe how easy it is to scan a few books for some additional monies. I could not be more pleased with the process and I continue to share with my family and friends on how awesome this site is.

Nov 27, 2024

Comment: I've been selling books to them since 2014 - and although there HAVE been some books rejected over the years, once you understand their acceptance policies, you should know what to avoid. I see a LOT of negative feedback, but honestly , I don't get it. They're very fast to pay, and buy books many other vendors won't touch (library books). I'm totally satisfied with their service.

Nov 12, 2024

Comment: I graduated college in 1989. Having this as an option now to sell my kids' books is AMAZING! All I had to do was download the app to my phone. EZ-PZ. I packed up the books in a box and off they went. A week later, cha-CHING!

Oct 07, 2024

Comment: I'm please with this company's service, and have been using them consistently for years. They process orders promptly, and pay out quickly. Customer service is done by actual U.S. based humans, and they are helpful and responsive. I have not experienced arbitrary rejections of books. I'm puzzled by some of the very negative stories submitted here. After many dozens of very large buyback orders, I haven't experienced any similar issues.

Sep 11, 2024

Comment: Having dealt with this company in the past, I was already aware of some of the issues one is faced with when selling to them, such as arbitrary rejection of quoted books with little or no explanation, but my most recent experience was new, even for them. I decided to give them another chance as they were advertising a promotion where you get an extra 15% on your trade. I had some books that no other buyback companies were interested in and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to unload them. I entered all of my books into their website, but much to my dismay, when I entered the promotion code, I kept getting the same error messages: "Promo is not applicable," and "Promotion is unavailable." The really strange part is that they had an annoying timer on the website that was counting down the time left in the "limited offer." I emailed customer service for clarification and received a boilerplate reply that the promotion had expired 24 hours previously. I responded with pictures and video of the timer counting down as well as the relevant portion of the email they had sent out advertising the promotion which contained the actual expiration date and time. Even though the reply I had received from customer service closed with "If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask," I received no further reply. I even opened a second case with customer service, which was completely ignored. This is a classic example of false advertising to gain your business with absolutely no follow through. I cannot recommend that anyone use this company unless they are sending in books that they are comfortable donating.

Aug 30, 2024

Comment: Great to work with! I was hesitant to sell to Ziffet because of previous reviews but I have had no problems at all! I have sold to them over 25 times over the last year and have never had one problem. They pay quickly and for the price quoted. Highly recommend!

Aug 20, 2024

Comment: Seller Beware: Perfectly decent condition book not accepted for "Excessive damage overall." Also, way too many prices on Bookscouter do not match prices on Ziffit site. For example: an $8.00 book for Ziffit on Bookscouter will actually only be .28 on Ziffit site! This is not a fluke. I've had this happen with at least a dozen books from multiple buybacks. I didn't catch it at first, which is what Ziffit is probably hoping for. Very sneeky.

Please let us know about your experience with World of Books - Sell Your Books
World of Books - Sell Your Books Contact Info
900 Knell Road, Dock 15, Montgomery, IL 60538, USA
World of Books - Sell Your Books logo