Due to some recent feedback from vendors on BookScouter’s feedback system, I’ve recently made a couple of minor modifications to the feedback page and the criteria that I use to approve feedback. When a user is submitting feedback, the following text is now displayed at the bottom of the page:

“Each feedback submitted is manually reviewed and approved before being displayed on the site. Ultimately, BookScouter may approve or reject feedback for any reason. We try to be as fair as possible and may not approve feedback for some of the reasons noted below.”

  • Vulgar or offensive language, including name-calling.
  • Poor grammer, punctation, spelling, or the use of all caps.
  • Comments not specificly related to the vendor for which it was submitted.
  • Comments not related to selling back books.
  • If we have reason to believe that a vendor is incentivising users to leave positive feedback for themselves or negative feedback for somebody else.
  • Only one comment per user, per vendor is allowed. The most recent feedback will be displayed.

I also fancied up the page a little bit by adding a clickable-star selection instead of a drop-down box with numbers.

Finally, when submitting negative feedback for a Preferred vendor, users have the option of using me to contact the vendor on their behalf and try to have their complaint resolved directly. These are vendors that I believe provide good customer service, and I will try to work with my contacts at these companies to ensure that BookScouter users have the positive experience that I expect.
